When you adopt a new Maine Coon cat or kitten the 1st you decide the name this cat. The Name of a cat is completely down to personal choice. You trying to be creative and come up with a good name for your new family member can prove a challenge.
You want to pick something that all family members agree on it and something that won’t cause embarrassment when you refer to your cat in front of visitors. Remember Your Maine Coon cat is not only one of the largest of all the purebred cat breeds, but also one of the most beautiful cat.
When you have Googled ‘Most famous Maine Coon Cat Names then you are feeling upset by the number of Maine Coon kitten names listed. You never put off though, instead make sure you can use our user friendly guidelines for the selection of perfect Maine Coon name for your feline friend.
When so many Maine Coon cat names to pick from, it’s easy for owners to feel bamboozled and panicked, as they welcome their unnamed Maine Coon kitten into their home for the first time. It’s a completely understandable. This is because naming a Maine Coon cat is a big thing!
In fact, you would go as far as saying that the selection of a Maine Coon kitten’s name is as challenging as naming your own children!
Table of Contents
Female Maine Coon Cat Names
You have hundreds of private pet names for your feline cute cat that only you and she know about. But when it comes to choosing her “public” name, you will know you have found just the right name when she responds to her new name as “hers.”
Here are the Most Popular and best name of Maine Coon names:
- Queen Marie (Antoinette, of course).
- Tiffany
- Jasmine
- Iris
- Olympia
- Freda
- Princess
- Kahlo
- Bernadette
- Gypsy
- Tash
- Grace
- Maggie
- Trixie
- Lulubelle
- Fiona
- Sweetie Pie
- Barbra Streisand
- Anya
- Ripley
- Diana
- JoJo
- Maddie
- Zelda
- Junebug
- Stella
- Rosa
- Emma
- Sable
- Carlita
- Blaze.
- Lana.
- Penelope
When you haven’t picked one before your new cat arrives, it is not a disaster. It is much better to have a delay in selecting a name than allowing them to get used to a name, and then changing it a few weeks in, just as they are getting used to it.
Male Maine Coon Cat Names
The Maine Coon cats are no exception! Your cat comes from both royal and working (cat) class ancestry.
Its means you are guaranteed to spend your life with a feline who is comfortable in his own extra-large skin! The next step in your journey is to agree with the decision-makers what sort of Maine Coon cat name you are looking for.
This is an important stage of the process that should not be ignored since it will substantially reduce the number of names for your family to pick from.
Here are some Male Maine Coon names:
- Captain Cute
- Denzel
- Lion.
- Boyd
- Charles Coon (said to be the Maine Coon cat’s namesake).
- Sir Mouse-a-Lot (for their working cat origins as ship cats).
- Chatterbox.
- Rocky
- Boss.
- Batman
- Bergmann (Bergmann’s Rule: cold climate animals will be larger in size).
- Lynx, Lynx, Baby
- Jolly Cat.
- Butch.
- Hannibal
- Tigertail.
- Earl Grey.
- Wolverine
- Tee-Bo.
- Bruno.
- Leonidas
- Skipper.
- Saint Francis.
- Rooster.
- Sherlock.
- Gus.
- Tigger.
- Wolfgang.
- A.J.
- Velcro.
- Gabriel.
- Dozer.
Sizable Maine Coon Cat Names
The cats have won just about every size-related contest there is, from biggest to best to longest to heaviest.
If you are welcoming a Maine Coon cat into your family though, it’s only fair that the entire family gets to help with naming the cat. Whilst you might not want to let your ultimately children choose a cat name, it is vital that they feel included within the process since this will help build a bond between them, and the Maine Coon cat they will be living with.
Here are some most unique names for your Maine Coon cat:
- Hercules.
- Jupiter.
- Atlas.
- Zeus.
- The Incredible Hulk.
- Darth (Vader).
- Hoss.
- Godzilla.
- Khan.
- T-Rex.
- King Kat.
- Huge.
- Titanic.
- Tank.
- Tremendous.
- Rambo.
- El Presidente.
- Bruiser.
- Bigfoot.
- Mighty Kitty.
- Bear.
- Maximillian.
- Beast.
- Goliath.
- Cannonball.
Black Maine Coon Cat Names

The Black Maine Coon Cat make great pet. Some are known for being daredevils like this cat who jumped five stories to the ground and was fine. When they say cats have nine lives, they must be referring to the badass cats on this list.
- Salem
- Thackery
- Binks
- Voodoo
- Midnight
- Shadow
- Ninja
- Panther
- Raven
Orange Maine Coon Cat Names

Before select the name make sure you pick the perfect name to suit your daredevil cat whose orange colorations call to mind the drama of flames and lava. Or your orange cat may look and act like a tiny tiger, making one of these wildlife names the perfect choice.
- Whiskey
- Blaze
- Cheddar
- Tiger
- Tigress
- Nacho
- Rusty
- Spice
- Fire
- Inferno
- Lioness
Grey Maine Coon Cat Names

The cats named Butch or Ranger. They prefer to keep it on the down low and then surprise you with the extent of their badass-ery once you form an alliance.
- Smokey
- Blade
- Pepper
- Stone
- Wolf
- Tornado
- Hurricane
- Dark Moon
- Chrome
- Razor
- Steel
- Stormy
- Slate
- Granite
- Phantom
Famous Maine Coon Cat Names
It is no wonder Maine Coon cats seem to naturally attract the spotlight!
- DB “Dick Butkus
- Cosey
- Pebbles
- Little Nicky
- Stewie
- Corduroy
- Ludo
- Cygnus
- Omar
- Parsley
- Nacho
- Samson “King Castradamus” Zurbel
- Koontucky MacMarvelous
- Captain Jenks of the Horse Marines
- Richelieu
- Silent Stranger
- Thula
- Pixie
- Francis
Singing Maine Coon Cat Names
The Maine Coon cats don’t just “meow.” They chirp! They also purr and coo and sing, sometimes even seeming to imitate the avian appetizers they eye with such longing in the trees outside.
Your Maine Coon cat may even sing so well you decide to name him after one of these tuneful icons!
- Frank Sinatra (Ol Blue Eyes).
- Elvis (Presley).
- Aretha (Franklin).
- Eminem.
- (Bob) Dylan.
- (David) Bowie.
- Sting.
- Bruno (Mars).
- Madonna.
- J-Lo.
- B.B. King.
- Annie (Lennox).
- Morrissey.
- Mariah (Carey).
- James (Taylor).
- Dolly (Parton).
- Jerry Lee (Lewis).
- Luciano (Pavarotti).
- Sarah (Brightman).
- Merle (Haggard).
- Luther (Vandross).
- Muddy Waters.
- Bono.
- Prince.
- Chuck (Berry).
Play on Words Maine Coon Cat Names
Sometimes the easiest way to figure out what to name your sweet pint-sized puff ball (who is soon to be anything but pint-sized!) is to just have some fun thinking up names!
You making a play on words out of the Maine Coon cat breed name can be a great way to help your mind relax and unleash your cat naming creativity!
- Cat-atonic (it had to be said).
- Epicat (“Epic Cat”).
- Sean Coon-nery (Connery).
- Gato Gato (literally, “Cat Cat”).
- Main(e) Squeeze.
- Bob Cat (the wild cat Maine Coons resemble).
- Portlandia (Maine’s capital + hit TV show).
- Cat-astrophic.
- Manx Raccoon (one suggested translation of “Maine Coon”).
- Maine-iac (“Maniac”).
Discuss the Shortlist Names
Now comes the difficult part, where you’ve picked some great names but need to run those names past the decision-makers.
Be prepared for those involved to disagree with the Maine Coon names you’ve picked. It’s not easy to discard a name you love, but you will likely have to.
Once your list has been reviewed, now you should review the other decision-makers name lists. Follow the same process, and only keep the names, you ALL love.
At the end of this session (it might take a few days mind!), you should have a consolidated list of possible Maine Coon cat names to pick.
Do The ‘Shout Out’ Test
This is the stage in the naming process that everyone forgets to do. Do they forget it when naming their new baby? Nope! … So why do people always forget to do the ‘Shout Out’ test for their new pets?!
If you are wondering what the ‘Shout Out’ test actually is, well it’s very simple. Are you prepared to go out into your garden, and shout the cat names stated on your list? If you are too embarrassed to shout the cat’s name, then remove this from the list immediately!
I love this stage of the process because it is so simple, and helps new owners quickly decide if the names they have chosen are appropriate, or not.
Will The Maine Coon cat Name Last?

In the final stage of the process, you should review your shortlist of Maine Coon cat names.
Then, think seriously about whether the name will actually last all the way from kittenhood, into adulthood.
Whilst some names sound adorable and cute for a kitten, they don’t tend to make sense for an adult cat.
This is another stage of the process that everyone forgets to do, and helps explain why some adult cats have very kitten-like names, which just don’t seem to suit their large build and regal looks!
Maine Coon Cat NamesBased on Some of the Coolest Fantasy Characters of All Time
From Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings to more niche fantasy realms, these tough names are fitting for a cat whose imagination is larger than life.
- Tyrion
- Daenerys
- Legolas
- Jack Sparrow
- Aragorn
- Lyra
- Spock
- Furiosa
- Buffy
- Korra
- Arya
- Aslan
- Godzilla
- King Kong
Maine Coon Cat Names Inspired by Our Favorite Athletes
If you have a cat that is the best at climbing, leaping, knocking stuff over, and is a whiz at catching mice, naming them after one of these GOATs just makes sense.
- Cristiano Ronaldo
- Simone Biles
- Kobe Bryant
- Sugar Ray Leonard
- Serena Williams
- Michael Phelps
- Lionel Messi
- Marion Jones
- Rafael Nadal
- Neymar
- Yao Ming
- Apolo Anton Ohno
- Tom Brady
- Shaun White
- Mia Hamm
- Misty May
- Jackie
- Danica Patrick
- Michelle Kwan
- Dale Earnhardt
- Puma
- Robinson
- Nike
Disney Maine Coon Cat Names
It’s usually the villains that get the badass ruffian reputation in our favorite Disney films, but sometimes the heroes are just as strong and rugged.
- Esmerelda
- Ursula
- Tarzan
- Maleficent
- Scar
- Hercules
- Raja
- Stitch
- Simba
- Moana
- Jafar
- Beast
- Lucifer
Tough Cat Names for Maine Coon Historical People Who Changed the World
Your cat can only hope to live up to a name fit for one of these legends. (Don’t worry, every cat is a superstar in our book.)
- Archimedes
- Joan of Arc
- Karman
- Octavia
- Michelle
- Barack
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- Malcom X
- John Lewis
- Greta Thunberg
- Jane Goodall
- Kamala
- Dorothy Vaughan
- Oprah
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Albert Einstein
- Vincent van Gogh
Maine Coon Cat Names from Star Wars
- Princess Leia
- Wookie
- Rey
- Luke Skywalker
- Han Solo
- Darth Vader
- Chewbacca
- Baby Yoda
- Padmé
- Darth Maul (fitting for certain cats)
- Count Dooku
- Stormtrooper
- Mandalorian
- Jyn Erso
- Obi-Wan
Harry Potter Maine Coon Cat Names
If we could conjure a Patronus, it would definitely be a cat.
- Gryffindor
- Ravenclaw
- Crookshanks
- Phoenix
- Hagrid
- Severus
- Snape
- Sirius
- Bellatrix
- Dumbledore
- Voldemort
- Hermione
Maine Coon Cat Names Inspired by Mythology
Legend has it that cats were sacred animals in mythological lore across countries and cultures, from the Norsemen to the Greeks to the Egyptians.
- Narcissus
- Athena
- Zeus
- Aphrodite
- Venus
- Osiris
- Hades
- Isis
- Cerberus
- Spartacus
- Poseidon
- Aries
To select the Maine Coon cat names from the above list. Don’t stress too much about the small stuff. If your cat responds well to the name and you like it, really, that is all that matters. Your cat won’t mind if it is overly common, extremely unique, or one that other people may find odd. Their name help you to selection the name of your lovely cat