The Polydactyl Maine Coon – Everything You Need To Know

The polydactyl Maine coon breed is a Maine Coon that has the same characteristic and with redundant toes. This word means multi-toed, and the extra-large paws are nick-named double-paws because the paws are generally double-wide in size. They can walk through snow more fluently, hence another nickname of snowshoe cat; but most frequently, however, they’re simply called polys.

The polydactyl dominant gene in Maine Coons is a simple autosomal which means not linked to a dominant gene. The Pd gene is an inoffensive inheritable particularity that isn’t to be associated with other anomalies. Because of this, you must have a polydactyl parent to have a polydactyl cat.

Polydactyl Maine Coon
Polydactyl Maine Coon

There are no proven ill goods of the polydactyl gene in the Maine Coon cat. Important scientific exploration data collected has suggested that the polydactyl Maine Coon is a more favored particularity in the working strain for health and vigor.

Multiple non-polydactyl Maine Coons have a polydactyl member of their inheritable lines in their bloodlines, and breeding these polydactyl kitties is still completely accepted and honored as purebred worldwide. They can be registered with any sanctioned cat association. When looking over a Pedigree, you can see all the polydactyl Maine Coons in the birth because they will have P. Nearly in the name.

History of the Polydactyl Maine Coon

The history of Maine’s polydactyl Maine Coon tugs and whispers from the galleries of stately ocean captains’ homes and from recollections of old vessels and schooners; one wonders, how did the double-pawed kitties get then?

The visible heritage embodied in a polydactyl Maine Coon stems from the olden days of Maine when hardy tone-reliant families sailed and settled along with the props. The distinctly unique Maine littoral terrain favored the origins of this variety. The byways, leaning shoreside, and deeper bays were launching ways for locally erected schooners and other vessels.

Salt-water granges lined the props where we’ve forgotten now, that everyday people did business by a passage with oil and masts and wind, not exchanges and gasoline. The roadways of history were the gutters and the ocean. Maine has excellent deep and passable gutters.

The Kennebec River, for illustration, is well-known for the number of vessels erected and launched from its props. The talented Maine maritime families and the hugeness of the trade they dealt in are the real reason it’s the Maine Coon Cat.

This breed was evolved in the Maine littoral regions specifically as a result of boat kitties coming home to families who prized them for their utility aboard boats as well as on the ranch and around the docks. The times following the Revolutionary War were likely the fluorescence of the Maine house cats development, as the state was known for its bustling dockyards.

Downeaster’s sailed with wheat worldwide, clippers sailed to China and back, but substantially the safe schooners carried vital original maritime loadings; as hundreds of colorful Maine- erected vessels were launched every time from seaside dockyards.

Cats were just as common at working riverfronts as dories, and are still to plant living free at the working shorefront area of Portland Harbor, for illustration. When Kennebec weight schooners sailed to Boston and back with timber, bricks, and inventories, kitties were simply on board to control rodents, and for pleasure.

Boston Harbor has been scientifically designated the appearance point in this country of the polydactyl cat, and the position of the first polydactyls in America.

It was an easy matter for the cute poly pussycats to be accepted aboard the Maine-bound vessels, for luck as well as commodity new to partake with family at home. The Boston wharfside poly kitties and Maine-bound schooner house cats mingled as they pleased.

In this manner, the polygene was introduced into the insulated early Maine Coon gene pool; defended as it were, by townlets united only by the ocean or steed-drawn cart. The early Maine kitties were suitable to breed pure and without dilution, and the polydactyl gene came integrated with the other characteristics, back in the bite littoral and seaside locales, where the pure strain of Maine Coon was developed.

Long- carpeted, rugged-bodied Maine Coons naturally developed for survival, as a working cat that people treasured, and their adaption to the cold layoffs and chilly ocean air redounded in eventual recognition as a fabulous distinct strain.

The poly Maine Coon is more complete, and frequently smarter, because of the increased capability that the shape of their paws gives them. Their larger paws enabled them to survive in conditions taking them to catch their own food. Some of them always survived and to this day the dominant gene, polydactylism, continues to be present in a certain chance of native Maine Coons.

Being still visible, it’s likely to present in the same probabilities now as in the before times. It can be estimated rather directly from genetics rules that a constant minimum of 25 of early native Maine Coons would have been polydactyl, and maybe more in some insulated locales and the multiple littoral islets.

Therefore the early Maine Cat elaborated into the traditional type and style still seen in moments moderate Maine Coons. These early Maine kitties were known as Maine house cats or coon cats’ in the mid-1800s (in a story by a famed Maine author of that period, whose cat named”Polly”, grew up together with her.)

Of course, normal-footed Maine Coon kitties developed coincidently, frequently as littermates; and were the nimble stars in the first CFA Cat Shows in the USA in the early 1900s.


While Maine Coons are largely people-acquainted pussycats, they aren’t exorbitantly dependent. They don’t constantly bug you for attention but prefer to” hang out” with their holders, probing whatever exertion you are involved in and” helping” when they can. maximum aren’t lap kitties but Maine Coons will stay close by you, follow you from room to room, and stay outside an unrestricted door for you to crop.

A Maine Coon will be your companion, your chum, your confidante, but infrequently your baby. Maine Coons are relaxed and easy-going in just about everything they do. They generally get on well with kiddies and tykes, as well as other kitties. They aren’t as vertically- acquainted as some other types, preferring to chase objects on the ground. multiple Maine Coons will play” cost” with their holders.

Maine Coons develop sluggishly and do not achieve their full size until they’re three to five times old. Their dispositions remain coquettish throughout their lives; they’re big, gentle, good-natured goofs. Maine Coons infrequently meow, rather most have a soft chirp or chime in a bitsy voice that does not fit their size!


The important features of the Maine Coon are the head and body shape, and the texture and shag of the fleece. Maine Coons evolved by conforming to a harsh Northeast climate. Its semi-longhair lustrous fleece is heavy and water-resistant, longer on the trim, stomach, and britches and shorter on the reverse and neck.

The fleece falls easily and is nearly conservation-free daily digging is all that’s generally needed to keep it in top condition. Maine Coons have veritably long, bushy tails.

One of their most distinctive features is their eyes, which are large, round to nearly round, suggestive, and set at a slightly oblique angle.

Maine Coons are seen in nearly all traditional colors and patterns. The most common color and the patterns are the brown classic or mackerel gib but Maine Coons are also seen in solid pattern ( white, black, blue, and red), tortoiseshell pattern ( black, blue), gib pattern ( classic or mackerel-brown, blue, red, cream), tableware pattern ( black- tableware, blue- tableware, red- tableware, cream- tableware).

All colors ( save white) and all patterns may have white markings ( known as party color). Eye color ranges from gold to green. Blue and odd- eyes are admissible in whites and/ or party colors.

Maine Coons male kitties, at maturity, can average 13-18 lbs. Maine Coon female kitties average 9-13 lbs. Overall, the Maine Coon should appear as a large, natural yet uncommonly appealing cat.

Difference Between Maine Coon And Maine Coon Polydactyl

Maine Coon kitties are loved throughout the world, for their great personalities and astoundingly handsome cuteness. Thus, if you’re upset that a polydactyl Maine Coon might not partake the same character traits as the further generally seen Maine Coon cat, do not be.

The polydactyl Maine Coon cat is exactly the same as the Maine Coon cat, except for one veritably visible factor, those redundant toes! Yes, their paws might be double the size of the other Maine Coons you have seen, but having redundant toes won’t have any shock on these rarer cats’ tender, pious personality natures

Polydactyl Maine Coon kitties generally have between 6-7 toes on each paw. However, they will always have the same number of redundant toes on each side, if a cat has redundant toes.

Nature surely does not produce crooked polydactyl Maine Coon cats. Maine Coon kitties 5 toes on their forepaws, and 4 on their hind paws. It’s more common to find the redundant toes on the polydactyl Maine Coons forepaws. Eventually, however, the number of redundant Maine Coon toes will be determined by the dominance of the Pd mutant gene within each individual cat.

Are Polydactyl Maine Coons Lucky?

Mariners used to keep polydactyl Maine Coon kitties on their vessels since they were well known for being excellent nimrods and‘ kitties’, so played an important part in keeping the boat’s mouse population at bay.

The polydactyl Maine Coons redundant toes helped these kitties catch and hold prey more fluently, and were considered to be veritably lucky for mariners. Their wider paws helped these large house cats balance, indeed when the vessels were rocking to and throw, at the ocean.

Are Polydactyl Maine Coons Rare?

During the 1950’s polydactyl, Maine Coon cats reckoned for roughly 40 of the strain. Over the times, however, numerous breeders laboriously took way to remove this multi-toed inheritable anomaly from the kitties they bred

Do Polydactyl Maine Coons Always Produce Polydactyl Kittens?

Polydactyl Maine Coons are statistically also likely to have polydactyl kittens since only one dupe of the inheritable mutant Pd gene needs to pass from the parents to the seed, to make a polydactyl Maine Coon cat. Still, the dominance of the Pd gene is further strengthened, adding the liability that these kitties’ New babies will be polydactyl Maine Coons too If two polydactyl kitties are bred together.

Are Female Maine Coons More Likely To Be Polydactyl?

This inherited autosomal particularity isn’t poisoned towards a certain gender. Males are thus not more likely to be polydactyl than their female counterparts, and vice versa.

What Color Are Polydactyl Maine Coons?

Maine Coon cats are available in a variety of different colors, 75 in fact! Whilst the polydactyl Maine Coon may have different genetics to the Maine Coons with the standard number of toes, their colorings are no different.

The most common color and pattern of the polydactyl Maine Coon is thus is the mackerel cat or brown classic. Other colorings include solid bi-color, and party- colors are also available, etc.

Polydactyl Maine Coon Lifespan

Maine Coon kitties have an average lifetime between 10-15 years. There’s no substantiation to suggest that the polydactyl Maine Coon will live any lower, than other kitties of the Maine Coon cat breed.


As you know Polydactyl Maine Coons are veritably eye-catching since their multi-toed appearance makes them stand out in the crowd. This cat strain is loved for its astonishingly amenable, gentle, friendly nature.

Implicit holders shouldn’t sweat that a polydactyl Maine Coon cat will be any different in terms of personality and characteristics, also other Maine Coon kitties. Their only differing factor is that their genetics contain a natural physical anomaly.

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